Some People Just Don’t Get Me….
Do you ever try to explain to someone something they just don’t get? On an outsider point of view – we see things sometimes the person in the middle doesn’t see because all their emotions are clouded by the past, but as an outsider we can see both parties, we can see what it is about and we can give our opinion on what both sides may be thinking or feeling. Fact is, as much as we might think something, and even though the person in the middle might be clouded sometimes we have to realize that the person in the middle might just know a little more than we do, because they are the ones who actually experienced it, they are the ones who actually lived through it and they know how the other party is, they know what they are like and who they are. We only know what we see. It’s like seeing the book cover without really experiencing or reading the book.
Who’s Right?
No one is right! If you are venting to someone or sharing a story and someone has an opinion on what you should do or how you should act, well that’s just fine, but you cannot get upset if the person does not agree with the advice you are giving them. Everyone carries their own opinions, if we all thought the same way then life would be boring and we would all just get along, and there would be no conversations because we already knew what the other person was going to say. It’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about listening to the person and understanding where they are coming from and if they want your opinion give it to them, but if they just want you to listen; sometimes listening is just what the doctor ordered.
When I’m upset….
I just like to vent, I probably sound like an angry sailor filled up on caffeine because I rant and I curse and I tell you what I’m feeling because I get emotional so I get angry and pissed off, but after I rant and you listen and tell me not to worry about it, then I’m over it just like that, but some people, some people just don’t get me….
Everyone is different:
Some people don’t vent, they hold it inside until one day they explode and this isn’t good because why carry around such worry, or anger inside of you? Some people shyly tell a close a friend but don’t want to make a big deal of it so they tell them it’s okay what the other person did, but that it did bother them a little and they move on. (This is nice but sometimes people end up walking all over you and eventually you get so tired of it that everything ends up upsetting you). If something is bothering you, talk about it. Some people don’t like confrontation so we ignore it and we vent to other family and friends and we yell and we scream and we simply just let it all out so that we feel better about it and we can move on. Sometimes it is okay to not confront certain things because it’s really not a big deal to bring up and it will only cause more fighting and sometimes we just have to vent in order to get over it. Sometimes though we should confront it because if we don’t the other person might keep doing what they are doing and you will only become more upset about it in the long wrong. Me, it depends on the situation, sometimes I confront, confront, confront until you are tired of listening to me, but it’s only because I care and I want to get it out in the open and make sure there are no hard feelings between us and we can move on and be happy, other times I will reply with a firm answer but I won’t make a big deal about it I’ll just vent to my boyfriend or a friend and let it all out.
Some people might not always agree with what I say and maybe I am wrong, but it’s how I feel and you can’t tell someone that what they are feeling is wrong. A feeling can’t be wrong it’s just an emotion and if that is what we feel then let us feel it. You don’t have to understand me to just let me feel and vent about what I’m upset about. Just understand me enough to let me vent.
kristin nicole
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