The Question:
Me and my wife, Petunia, just got into a huge fight. I remember tossing her across the room onto a glass table. She ceases to breath and is bleeding profusely out of her mouth. Perhaps I threw her to hard and perhaps she is faking. Can someone help me out?
My Response:
First off… ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? You got into an argument with your wife and you threw her across the room and she landed on a glass table and is bleeding and you think she might be faking it? The only help you need is anger management courses. You could have easily killed your wife, there is no reason any man should touch his wife in an abusive manner, I don’t care what the fight is about. If you can’t handle it walk away and take a break for a while until you can talk like human beings to one another. If your wife doesn’t call the cops on you for abuse then I don’t know what else to tell you.
You definitely need help, and you aren’t going to find answers here, you need to truly get help some where if you are abusing your wife in this manner. I would start with calling the ambulance or taking her to the hospital if she is bleeding badly.
kristin nicole
I found this question on
Apryl says
That guy cannot be for real. That is one of the most horrible things I’ve seen from Yahoo! Answers. How can you throw your wife across a table and go to Yahoo! Answers for help? Call 911!
Tony Carrera says
First – I think this isn’t real. Petunia… really?
Second – You need to call 911 and/or get your wife to the hospital. Then you need to find some SERIOUS help.
Kristin says
Apryl & Tony
I agree — Not sure if it is real, but either way posting something this serious means the person still needs help, & if it is real they definitely need help.
kristin nicole
Tony Carrera says
On second thought let me phrase it like this for the guy in question:
I don’t know what may be going on between you and your wife. But there is absolutely no reason for you to hit someone else – especially a woman – ESPECIALLY your wife.
I understand different upbringings may encourage certain behaviors but this is one behavior that you need to take note of. It is NOT normal to get angry at someone and throw them across the room.
You need to seriously find help in some form of anger management, therapy or other outlet because you’re just going to ruin your life spending countless years in jail or prison. Once there, inmates don’t look fondly on men which abuse women either so that’s another heap of trouble.
If you “blank” out in anger – just walk away from the relationship as much as you can.
Point is, you need to find help! There is nothing cowardly about doing so – in fact, it takes a lot of courage to do that.
Best of luck and I hope you can get your wife to safety. Better yet, I hope this is a joke of some kind.
Kristin says
Well said 🙂
kristin nicole