Miami Drivers:
Miami Drivers are simply; well what’s a nice word to say…. A**HOLES. Yup there really is no nice word. Every day I watch my surroundings, cars beside me, next to me in the other lanes and there is always that one person who has to be rude, cut you off, beep a horn, take a red light, stay on your ass. I don’t understand what the big rush in life is all about? Is the world going to end in the 2 minutes you might be late? Will something horrific happen if you don’t take that yellow light and actually stop and wait for it to turn green again? Tell me please so that I can understand why people are in such a hurry in Miami. Maybe it’s not just Miami, I lived in Texas and even though I didn’t drive at the time I remember my mom saying it was the most courteous drivers she’s ever seen. I lived in San Diego and even driven in L.A. & Okay L.A Drivers aren’t really that nice and it’s a little crazy, but I still think Miami is one of the worst places to drive in.
Lets start off with just this morning; I’m coming out of my garage I go to make a left to get to the light to get out of my complex when this car literally has changed lanes to not stay behind me in the red and absolutely took it. I guess at 6:30 in the morning he has to get to work in a hurry. It didn’t stop there…Oh no…then I’m sitting waiting for the red light when this car literally stops slowly at the red light looks both ways and just takes it, only to stop at the other light once he made the immediate left turn (that’s what you get a-hole). My light turns green he’s still there… follow the curb around, make a left to get on the 95 and BAMB He get’s stuck at the red light before getting on to the 95…(See had you waited at the red light at our building like everyone behind me was, you still would have jumped on the 95 at the very same time I did). I just truly do not understand…. By the way, this wasn’t the first time I saw someone take the red light to make a left turn there. I understand traffic isn’t that bad there, but it doesn’t give you the right to take the red light before you are supposed to. Perhaps there is someone crossing the street you don’t see and you are only looking for cars coming your way. Or maybe you just didn’t see that car coming straight, what then? Have patience people, life isn’t going anywhere, and if it does it’s more than likely because you caused an accident for being a complete ass.
People are always in a hurry, or you have your blinker on and they don’t let you in, (don’t pretend you don’t see my blinker), stop being rude and be nice for a change, you aren’t going to get there any quicker by cutting people off or not letting them pass, you might get there a whole 2 minutes earlier than you would have being nice. So next time you think about cutting someone off, being completely rude or taking a red light, think to yourself “is it really worth it”?
Miami Drivers – Then they wonder why we are listed as one of the most “raged” drivers in the U.S.
kristin nicole
Luis says
Great entry…spot on. South Florida traffic is something to behold for sure. Everyone is in a hurry to get no where. Courtesy is non exsistant. Don’t forget we are also the “angriest, #1 in road rage, and rudest” area in America. it’s sad how South Florida has changed over the years. I grew up here and when I was in the Navy, the more I came home, the less I wanted to come home.
Kristin says
Yes lets not forget #1 where it doesn’t count haha 🙂
I agree, it makes it less and less enjoyable to live here, if only people would take a breather for just one second and learn to relax and enjoy the drive, the drive would be so much better. I turn my radio on and a 45 minute drive feels like 20 because I am focused on enjoying the music and the break I get off from work to home before doing more work. People need to relax here in Miami.
kristin nicole