I started Soapnights.com with a different idea in mind. I started off writing and talking about Grey’s Anatomy. If you know me, you know I’m a big fan, and it’s really the only show I have time to still watch with my busy schedule. As time went by it became difficult for me to watch Grey’s some nights and I had less time to chat about it on the site. There were also big competitors like oh lets say… ABC.com 🙁
Soapnights became something more to me, I started thinking about what I do best, what I love the most. Helping people, current events, random thoughts, poetry all mixed up in one website. Soapnights is slowly becoming a site where if you have a problem or random question that you want advice on I’ll give it to you. I’ll write about current events that I think are important for others to know. Or random thoughts about every day life, including a few poems I’ve written. So eventually I want to potentially change the site URL to either kristin-nicole.com or kristinnicole.com. Depending on which one I can get. Any opinions on the dash?
Kristin Nicole…
KristinNicole.com I am hoping will lean towards more helping people with their problems and questions. If you look through my site you will see Categories and under Friendships and Families I have a few people who have written in with questions, you can get an idea on where I want to go with this. I will continue to do what I do, write what I feel and say what I want to say because that’s just who I am.
I hope that you like who I am too and continue to come visit my site. I can’t wait to get the new design up and running and change the URL to krisitn-nicole.com or kristinnicole.com.
Please give me your input….
kristin nicole
Tony Carrera says
Personally – I like KristinNicole.com though it looks odd seeing both n’s close together. I think that should be your main one. kristin-nicole.com can point to KristinNicole.com
I think it’s a good move. Maybe you can keep soapnights about it started out as – an outlet for just your soaps?