My Love for Fitness
I decided to step all in! Not only was I going to start working out from home (and by the way even though I worked out throughout the years; yoga, zumba, weights, gym, etc. I wasn’t really a person who loved to workout), but like I said, I was going all in! I decided I was also going to become a Coach. I’ve always had a passion for helping others (I had a blog “ask kristin” where people would write in their worries and questions and I would answer them. I know can you believe it? But people actually wrote in. I did get my bachelors in psychology so I guess it’s something that has always been in me. But I am by no means educated enough to be anyones psychologist lol. But I am very educated in being a friend.
This journey has been rough. Although I have lost 20 pounds and I’m at my ideal weight and slowly the mom pouch is going down and abs are starting to pop out, I still have a wrinkly stomach. And that’s okay, because that’s part of me now. It’s a reminder that I was able to birth two gorgeous kids, its a reminder of what our bodies are capable of. I recently found out I have hyperthyroidism and graves’ disease. With that I suffer from anxiety and depression. But I get up every day, I push myself to workout, I show my kids that even though life is hard we have to keep moving. I work on my business, helping others achieve their health journey and I use my girls as my accountability partners just as I hope you will see me. We are here to help each other. I am here to help guide you, support you, be your cheerleader! This is me and I look forward to getting to know you.
My Love for Essential Oils
I started using Young Living Essential Oils in December 2016. I am walking this journey and sharing it with you because I truly believe that it has helped my family. If you had a chance to share something you loved, wouldn’t you?
Young Living has 20+ years of experience and is the world leader and pioneer in essential oil research and distillation process.
Young Living oils are beyond organic. Why? Check out their seed to seal process here.
Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability. Check out their testing process here.
Young Living owns their own farms across the globe. Read about their farms here. And did you know you can visit and participate in the harvest/distillation process? Watch the Idaho Balsalm Fir harvest here.
Young Living is the only company to submit their oils to AIRASE for purity testing. Read more about AIRASE here.
With over 120 singles and blends, Young Living has a great selection of oils available.
Young Living oils do not have an expiration date.