Sometimes I wonder if what life is showing me in the NOW is what I’m supposed to take into my heart?!?
As of late I have a lot on my mind. Wondering where life is leading me at my age, what life has in store for me in the future and if what I’m doing NOW is the right thing towards a better tomorrow. We each live our lives the best way we know how, the way our parents or guardians have taught us to live. We live doing what we think is right and we hope that what our future holds is what we have been working so hard to achieve. Do you ever sit and wonder where you would be if only you turned right on that road, instead of left? I sometimes wonder why it is I don’t really wonder about turning right instead of left. I sometimes do not think about the what if’s because if I think “what if”, it isn’t going to change the NOW.
We all have regrets in life, I should have done it this way… I never should have… If only I would have… all those what if’s won’t change the fact that you did or did not do something you should have done. Each path we take in life is a lesson learned, build on that lesson and figure out what it is you need to do so that you don’t make the same mistake twice.
We all have choices in life. We choose to love someone, we choose to hate someone, we choose to wear the clothes we put on in the mornings and we choose the simplest things in life that make us happy. If you aren’t happy with your life, you have the choice to change it. I know sometimes it’s scary to make those choices, to finally get up and make the move, but if you do it, if it will truly make you happy, then why not go for it?
I once was told that I was like a wall with no emotions, because when I got angry I shut them out. I chose to change, and I chose to open up and let them in, only to get hurt. Life lesson?? Maybe I shouldn’t put that wall down? Or maybe I just needed to let someone in only to find the true person I was supposed to find in life? Everything in life, whether good or bad happens for a reason, and we may not understand why, but one day you will turn around and realize that it had to happen to get where you are. We meet people in our lives who introduce us to other people were supposed to meet and sometimes the people who introduced us aren’t even in our lives anymore. Ever wonder why that is? We had to meet that one person so that we can meet the next person who is supposed to enter into our lives. I believe in that everything happens for a reason, even if sometimes I don’t understand the reasons.
If you love someone you shouldn’t think so much about the future and the things you want in life before you move on to that next step, because sometimes you wait so long for that perfect moment, and that perfect moment passes you by. When you look over that perfect moment might be gone forever. Live in the NOW, if you love someone tell them you love them. If you have something inside you just want to tell that person, tell them. If you have a friend you wish you could just talk to again, but it’s been a while, pick up the phone. If you want to spend the rest of your life with that person, then do it. Don’t wait for a better tomorrow because tomorrow is NEVER PROMISED!
Life is too short to always think about the what if’s, so for right now, this moment in life, I’m LIVING IN THE NOW!
kristin nicole
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