The Question:
I just found out after 2 years of him lying to me, that I’m the “other woman”. They just got married a couple months ago and have kids. All along he’s told me that he wasn’t with anyone else. Should I tell his wife before it their marriage goes any further? Or should I do nothing and just walk away?
My Response:
Dear Other Women;
This is a hard position to be in because you were cheated on as well and didn’t know you were the other woman. It is truly your decision! A part of me says she has a right to know that her husband is a cheating b@#$@#$! However, you have to take into consideration that she has children, and do you want to be the one to tell her that her husband is an A#$HOLE??? Best thing to do in this situation to not cause more drama for yourself is to just walk away. I know it’s hard and you are hurt and you want to let her know that her husband is a cheater, but really think about it before you actually go running up and telling her this. She may want proof, and she may get upset at you even though it is not your fault. Look at this as if you were her, would you want the other women to come tell you there was another women? Walk away, and never see this man again. Sorry this happened to you but it is better you found this out now than later.
kristin nicole
I found this question on
It is a tough decision to make. The children are of number one concern but being an ex can be a problem. Good luck with your decision. Personally I would just walk away and chalk it up to lessons learned.
Very hard choice here although I’d like to say this particular saying may apply to him “once a cheater, always a cheater”! It appears he has no remorse & his poor wife & kids may be the ones to really suffer the consequences. She deserves to know…Imagine how hard it was for you & will be for them.