When I was younger I felt sometimes as if my world was falling apart. I didn’t know what to do, where to turn. If I went right, I was supposed to go left. I held people in my hearts to the highest power, until they lost my trust. Then I blocked them out of my life, because who needs someone in their lives who is only going to hurt you?
You feel
Sometimes you lie down and you feel as if the world is spinning, almost as if the world will come crashing down on you any second, and when you finally get the courage to open your eyes and look out the window you can truly see the world isn’t spinning anymore. You take a deep breath and start another day with a smile on your face. Not all days were like this, but most of them. Hiding behind a shield, pretending to be someone your not, only to realize you don’t even know who you are anymore. When did you start pretending and when did it get so far that you lost yourself? Questions asked, answers un-answered.
Small bit of hope
Then there comes a time in your life when you finally realize things need to change, you need to change. For the better. I used to think like this. Struggling to find a way out of a hole I put myself in, yet I couldn’t find the way out. But has I got older I started to realize that life comes with it’s ups and downs, and sometimes weather we like it or not we have to sit down and realize that even if we aren’t happy in that moment doesn’t mean we’ll feel like this forever. A small bit of hope entered my heart, and this is what kept me going….
Never give up
Strive for what you want don’t let it go, no matter how many tears, no matter how much anger or burdened feelings you have inside, get up and fight for what you want. Because if life as taught me anything in the 26 years of living, it’s taught me to be strong, to live life in the moments that sometimes just seem to pass you by. When you finally realize how not to take things so personal you also start to realize the world isn’t so bad.
Things do get better
As you grow older you start to see the world in a different light. You start to notice that not all flowers bloom in the spring. Thinking positive and believing in what you want is what makes you stronger. Look at the small moments in your life that made you laugh, or smile. Aren’t those the moments you always remember. People take life for granted, they don’t realize that the smallest moments in your lives sometimes are the greatest moments you will ever experience. I remember when I was about 7 or 8 years old and I was hanging out with my grandmother that day (on my dad’s side). She told me she had a surprise for me. My surprise: Taco Bell. I was ecstatic, taco bell, my favorite, when I was little. Small moment = Great moment. We spent the entire day together, eating at Taco Bell, Playing board games and watching The Price Is Right! Again small moment = GREAT MOMENT! I have had many small moments in my life that made me smile. For my birthday I went with my boyfriend to Key Biscayne and with our new camera, we spent the day taking pictures. Some may think this was a small moment, but to me it was a GREAT Moment. I had so much fun, just relaxing and taking pictures. It was almost as if I was somewhere else just for a few hours.
Whats my point
Whats my point? One point in my life I felt as if the walls were closing in on me. I had locked myself in a box with no way out. Then I grew up, I realized that there is more out there in the world. There is so much more to see and feel. Even though life is hard and we remember the pain that we go through, you have to sit back and remember all the good times you have had too. Life is too short to only remember the bad. Close your eyes and picture a time you felt really happy. Wasn’t that a great moment in your life?
Small Moments = GREAT MOMENTS!!!!!
Kristin Nicole
Love this post!