The Question:
My husband allows me to date other guys…?
My Response:
Dear Dating While Married;
No man I know would allow their wife or girlfriend to date other guys, Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Either he is seeing someone behind your back and feels that if you date other men it’s okay for him, he’s gay and in the closet and can’t come out to tell you, or something deeper is hiding deep inside. Do you ask yourself why your husband would want you to date other men? Do you want to date other men? I don’t understand the point of being married if you are going to date other men, you might as well be single and live the single life. I am also not sure if there is a question here? Are you asking if it’s okay that your husband allows you to date other men, because of that is the question that the answer is flat out NO!
kristin nicole
I found this question on
Maybe the husband has a medical condition and can’t satisfy his wife and wants her to be happy getting complete sex from the opposite sex. While still having a loving husband who cares for her but cannot perform sexually.