The Question:
Dear Kristin Nicole;
I am constantly asking my boyfriend for sex and I have gotten to the point that I don’t like to ask, so I try to send subtle hints his way, but it still doesn’t seem to be working. We only have sex about once a month and it’s only when he wants to have sex. We live together so it makes it even harder. I try putting on sexy lingerie and I try telling him that I need him but nothing seems to work. I have used toys and tried spicing things up in the bedroom. Do you think that maybe he’s just not attracted to me anymore? If he isn’t I rather him be honest with me so that we can end things and I can move on, but I love him and I want to stay with him, I just can’t live a life where we only have sex once a month. Please help!
~Need Sex
My Response:
Dear Need Sex;
I would sit down with your boyfriend and tell him face to face how you feel. Stop giving off subtle hints because that obviously isn’t working. Walking around in sexy clothes and trying to spice things up also isn’t working, so there is something definitely up with your boyfriend. Has he been acting strange other than not wanting sex? Maybe he is going through some stuff at work or in his personal life that you don’t know about and he’s stressed. Sometimes when people are stressed their sex life goes on hold. Or worse case scenario he’s with someone else. I am not saying this is the case, but if he was never like this before and all of a sudden he’s just not that into you, then something is going on. Find out what is going and find out what he wants in your relationship. You deserve someone who will pay attention to your needs, especially if you are asking for it, and especially if you are prancing around half naked. I know if I was walking around in lingerie my boyfriend would be on top of me faster than I could even say “come here”. So talk to your boyfriend and find out what is going on…
kristin nicole
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