The Question:
We were together 8 months and he broke up with me a month ago. Main reasons were my anger problems and because I cheated when things were rocky. He said he couldn’t take my sh!t anymore and told me it was over for good this time. But, he kept hacking into my accounts online and ‘checking up’ on me, telling guys to f*ck off, so we argued about that. Then, he got with his girl-friend and that hurt me badly because he had always told me they were just friends and never will be together. He told me how she was prettier, slimmer, nicer and everything. Then, she dumped him and he called me up saying that he wanted me back, because arguing with her reminded him of us arguing and he realized he missed me because of the good times blah blah.
Him and her are staying friends now , but he loves her and he told me that he called me up for a laugh at my expense and wanted nothing to do with me. Then I found out from her that his argument was that I hurt him so he was trying to hurt me for revenge and now he’s done that he wont take it any further. He just wants his hoody back.
What should I do from now? I’m clueless, please help!
My Response:
Dear Ex;
I am not sure what your real question is here. You cheated on him and he was hurt so he moved on. Whether it was with a “friend” or not, he had every right to move on. As far as him calling you to tell you he wanted you back just to get back at you for you hurting him, that was very childish and very immature. There really was no reason for that, if he truly was over it and moved on he wouldn’t have had to try to call you and lie to you just to try and hurt your feelings. If he wants his hoody back tell him it will be outside of your house and if he doesn’t come to pick it up throw it away. After what he did just to get “revenge” I would just toss it out. What you did to him was not right by any means and he has every right to be angry and upset about it but if that happened a while ago and he’s moved on with another girlfriend I do not see why he is still thinking about you and what you did to him. As for his girlfriend, she is also immature because I would never allow my boyfriend to call his ex-girlfriend to tell her that kind of lie, that is only causing more drama. Drama that is un-needed! Move on girl, find yourself a mature boyfriend, but first I hope you are working on your anger issues, because it will be very hard for you to find a healthy relationship if you can not control your anger or your cheating. Good luck
kristin nicole
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