In times of stress I try to sit back, take a hot bubble bath and think about what I need to do to get back on track. Or sometimes I try to think of absolutely nothing at all. 🙂
Juggling your life…
It isn’t easy. Life gives you ups and downs and sometimes we go sideways, but somehow with all the worries and all the stress we figure it out and we come up on top. For me I struggle with a full time job, school, and home. I work every week from 7-4pm and then in between during lunch and when I get home I have school work, and just recently I moved into my new place. So as you can imagine after a few years of absolute spoilness (okay that might not be a word, but anyhow…) I now have to do everything myself. I have to cook dinner, do laundry and cook. Yes I have a boyfriend and he’s been helping me do dishes and clean up but even with some help it’s a bit tough. Getting into the routine of things is hard. If I didn’t have school it might be a little easier, but I’m pushing myself everyday to keep going.
For some it’s easier….
For me, it’s hard… School as always been a struggle for me and each day, each class gets harder with more work. If you aren’t born into a family that can afford your education you have to juggle a full time job and school. You have to take student loans and books to survive. You have to take care of yourself, your job and your education, and sometimes I just feel like calling it quits! Then when my head stops stressing and I have time to actually think, I stop myself and I think about all the hard work I’ve already put into it, and I keep on going, and I keep on pushing through. No one ever told me life would be so hard, but then again no one ever told me it would be easy either.
kristin nicole
~Random Thoughts~
Aw Kristin! I love your blog! I wish I could start one, writing has always been a fave thing for me.
Keep your head up! Hard work pays off!!!! I have always struggled with school too but my “I must go on” attitude and keeping happy allowed me to keep at it. I found that keeping it a goal to just keep going- did the trick. Time goes by so fast that I knocked it out quick.
I love your posts 😉
Minnie 😉
Thank you Minnie,
I love writing it releases my stress and I also get to help a lot of people that need advice from a normal every day person. 🙂
Keep reading, writing and always try to make time to do the things you love.
kristin nicole