The Question:
I’m 15 years old thinking of killing myself because my ex broke up with me, advice? We were really really good friends and I made the move of telling him that I liked him (which I think was a mistake!) he said he wanted to be with me forever and I wanted to be with him forever! I still do. He broke up with me, and I cried like crazy! Then I see him at school and he was being really nice to me and he asked me to get back with him and he apologized and said it would never happen again . Well he did it again that same week, and that just really hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I think of him everyday! I just really need love! I feel so empty!! I JUST WANT TO ****** DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help….
My Response:
Dear Sadness;
Your first love is the hardest to ever get over. I remember the first time my heart broke, it felt like a glass shattering into a million pieces, I felt like I would never feel happy again, like my world was crashing down on me and there was no where to run. Once you stop for a second and you really think about how your relationship was, if he every truly cared about you to do something like this, you start to realize that maybe things just weren’t meant to be. I am not saying the pain will just go away, but you are only 15. At 15 we feel like our world will fall apart because that boy doesn’t love us anymore, but the truth is, our world stays in intact, our world keeps moving and eventually so do we. You have to be strong, and maybe you should talk to him and ask him why he keeps breaking up with you? Sometimes boys, especially at that age, do not know how to express themselves as well as we would like them to, but ask him anyway, why he is breaking up with you. At least this way you can at least have piece of mind and move on. You deserve better but a true friend, a person who truly loves you wouldn’t hurt you. You are still so very young, and trust me there are so many other boys out there for you. You might get hurt again and you may hurt a boys heart one day, but that is part of life, that is what makes us who we are and that is what makes us stronger to live our lives. Don’t ever feel like you want to die for a man, trust me they aren’t worth it. Love is beautiful and when you find that right love you will know it’s there forever. Stay strong, hang out with your friends and get your mind off him, but know that you are better than that and dieing will only cause more pain to your family and friends that love you so very much. Dieing is only an easy way out of not feeling pain, we all have to feel pain so that we can become better and make the same mistakes of the past. Have confidence in yourself and self respect to not go back out with him. Ever heard that saying “Hurt me once shame on you, hurt me twice shame on Me”. It’s true, you have the power to decide, you have the power to move on and find someone who will respect you and love you for you.
Remember life is hard, but I promise, it doesn’t always feel that way.
kristin nicole
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