The Question:
I am engaged to my boyfriend but very scared of marriage. I just keep thinking it will change us, we will become distant, and the love will die, or what if we go off each other. I have always felt like this, even in long term relationships, like i feel trapped even though I’m not. My bf is very certain he wants to be with me for the rest of his life. why do i feel this way? and do any other females feel the same, cos I’ve only really heard of men being scared of marriage but it;s the other way round here.
My Response:
Dear Fear;
You are not the only female to feel this way, I know a few that are also scared of the commitment and getting married; however most women that I’ve talked to, that feel this way are usually due to a past experience, either a former relationship or growing up with divorced parents or perhaps parents getting a divorce after 20+ years. Which ever it is, this is something you truly have to be positive about. If you are just scared that things will change, sometimes we just have to face our fears and have faith that things will work out. Marriage is not easy, and of course you are going to fight and things will change, but mostly for the good. You are growing and your family is growing and if you two really love each other there is no reason to not move forward. You have to look deep inside yourself and ask yourself why it is you think you feel trapped, and do not block out the answers that come to mind, those are usually the honest answers but we tend to block them out and be in denial about what is really bothering us. If you love him, you need to stop your fear, think positive and move forward, if there is something else there, you need to really look at it before getting married. Good luck.
kristin nicole
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