Advice Column: Is it ok if he hasn’t texted me in a day, no kiss after date? Image found on Flickr.com
The Question:
Is it ok if he hasn’t texted me in a day, no kiss after date?
I’ve been dating this guy that I met off a dating site. We’ve been getting to know each other and honestly it’s been going pretty well. No red flags miraculously, he picks me up (drive 30-40 minutes), pays for his share, and we have a lot to talk about. I wouldn’t be surprised or offended if he was dating other people though, his page is still active and so is mine. We hug before/after every date, but he hasn’t kissed me yet. I also haven’t gotten a text today but that’s fine I suppose considering we rarely text much anyway.
Am I beginning to look into things? I’m just worried I could be wasting my time but I don’t want to appear clingy.
My Response:
Dear Clingy;
It’s normal to feel this way, especially since you have just been dating casually and you haven’t really talked about where this is going. If you really like this guy, I would just be open and honest with him. It’s not that you are being too clingy, but the norm of dating is a first kiss and an eventual call or text. He may just not be that into you, but I don’t know the entire situation. Have you gone on more than one date? Has he done this before on other dates, where he doesn’t text you right away? This is a big factor in seeing if he is acting any different. If he’s done this before then I wouldn’t think anything bad about it, and I would just text him and quick hello, how are you? If he normally texts you, then maybe something is going on with him. I would talk to him, there is no other way to get an answer than to just ask. On another note; if he hasn’t kissed you yet, then maybe he’s just not that into you, he has someone else or he’s just really shy. There is nothing wrong with giving off some hints if you want to kiss him. Again, open up and talk to him. Communication is always key.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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