Some of us work only 40 hours a week, but isn’t that enough to stress someone out when they have 10 million other things to do after work?
Some of us work 40 hours a week and go to school. I’m that someone. Some of us work more then 40 hours a week, sometimes even up to 60-80 hours a week.
Does Work kill you in the end?
Some would agree it does. We work our ass’s off and for what? At the end of the day you’ve missed 8 hours of your day, you missed time with family or friends, you pay the bills with the money you earned from work and the day starts all over again, same routine, another day. Some people a job is just that, WORK…we do it because we have to, because we have no other choice. We have to pay our bills and put food on the table. We all have to work and we work half our lives and then we die. Sounds a bit negative huh?!? That’s because if you think of it that way it is.
Work is part of life
We do have to work, but do we have to hate it? No! Some of us love our jobs and we call them our CAREERS! We go to work feeling like we are accomplishing something in our lives, getting to a place where we want to be at our age. We also do it to pay bills and put food on the table but some of us don’t know how to budget correctly. If you save your money correctly, get to where you want to be, you can use all that work you did to pay off. Go on a vacation, buy that pair of shoes you’ve been staring at for weeks. The little things in life are what make us smile. Some of don’t make that much money, that doesn’t mean you still can’t take a vacation. If you budget right you can take what I like to call a “mini vacation”. It’s not far from home, some where, where you can drive to. For example, if you live in Miami, you can go to Naples or Orlando. Take a 3 day weekend, to sit back and relax and enjoy all that hard working money you have to do each and every day.
40 hours a week plus school
I can’t say it doesn’t drain you. I do it because I need to do it. I do it for me. I want to have a job/career one day that I enjoy doing, that I get paid well enough to buy the things I want to buy and live in a nice house. Working from 7 in the morning and then going home or to the campus for class after a long day at work, well it drains you. Sometimes I feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day. I get home so exhausted sometimes I don’t feel like opening the book to keep studying, BUT I do it anyway because I know that I’m paying for these classes and I have to pass. I wish I had stuck with school when I was younger, by now I would have my education and my career. Truth is, sometimes things don’t always go as planned. Time sometimes feels like it’s running out, each day you get older and that vision, that dream where you thought your life would be at a certain age sometimes isn’t what it is. You have to get up in the morning, thank God you are here and healthy, that you have a job and you are able to go to school. I take each day with me, and I keep going, waiting for that goal at the end of the tunnel. It might take me longer then expected, or longer then most, but I plan on getting there one day. Work can kill you if you let it, but if you sit back, think positive and let that positive energy flow into your body and into your life, work can have a whole new meaning to your life.
Life is strange that way
Life gives you roads, and each road leads you towards a different path. Sometimes we don’t always take the right road, but we find our way back, and when you do, you can only try to make things right. I can’t say I’m where I wanted to be at my age, I can’t say I don’t regret certain things in life, but I can say that I’m changing my life for the better. I’m working to where I want to be, it might just not be at the age I expected, but I will get there. With each passing day, I keep moving forward.
“People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates”. ~Thomas Szasz, “Personal Conduct,” The Second Sin, 1973
kristin nicole
I completely agree that the little things in life are what make us smile. We’re headed to Orlando this weekend and normally I wouldn’t be that excited but it’s the people – my family – that I’m so excited to be with, since it’s the first time I’ll be with them for this long of a period since I moved out.
And as far as school goes, you are kickin ass, and it will be so worth it in the end! I was supposed to be in grad school by now, but things happen – life happens. As long as you get to do what you want, that’s what matters, even if the time schedule is a little off 😉