Last night I went to my first Opera. It’s sad that our culture here in the United States isn’t as educated about Theater and Opera and other things as most other countries are. I was very happy however, to see that the Opera was pretty full.

Madama Butterfly - A must see Opera
The Opera
The first Opera I went to see was called Madama Butterfly. The story is incredible. I only wish I could understand Italian so I didn’t have to read the teleprompter. Either way, the show was amazing. Honestly I am one of those people who never was educated about Opera or anything of the sort. I am happy that I was able to go last night, I actually would look forward to seeing another Opera. This story was so touching that I actually had to hold back my tears at the end of the Opera. The performers were incredible, at one point 3 singers were singing different verses, with passion and it just sounded incredible. The orchestra was also very amazing, and beautiful.
My thoughts
If you haven’t gone to see an Opera I recommend you at least try it. Most people in the audience were much older, I would say around their 60’s and up. However, I did see more than a handful of younger people as well. This definitely however, tells me that we need to start teaching our Children different culture other then what the radio station plays in your home town. These people on these stages are incredible. It is something that everyone should experience at least once. I would love to also go to a Ballet, I have always wanted to do this. See the Nutcracker, and the musical Wicked. There is so much to see, and most of us don’t even know it’s out there.
Kristin Nicole
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