As a potential buyer and an “assistant” to a Realtor I know how hard it is to actually find a good Realtor out there today. It right out makes me upset to see these Realtor’s with the way the market is doing out there, still NOT doing their jobs!
My experience
Let me not even get started on the MLX website. On top of being slow, they truly need to update it and if you have a Mac computer, which I do, then you can’t be a Realtor unless you add Window’s to your computer, which thankfully now we can do. But enough about that…. Most of the time the houses you are looking for don’t have pictures displayed. How can we show our clients or how can I see what the house looks like if the Realtor who is selling this property doesn’t add pictures?!? That’s one, then most of the time the information about the house is barely there.
The other day I see a house listed as a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, but when I’m reading the description the Realtor wrote about the Condo, it states that it’s a 2 bedroom 1 bath home. So which one is it? I’m a bit confused here? Last week I called the Realtor about a Condo they had listed because it stated they weren’t having any showings, the Realtor explained that the buyers aren’t showing the house because they are not sure if they want to proceed with the short sale. When we look the next day it stated the same thing, we look again on the third day and it now states “We have an offer that the homeowners approved, we are still accepting bids”. So they weren’t sure if they were going to proceed and they weren’t showing the listing, but in 2 days they managed to get a buyer and accept their bid? That sounds a bit strange to me.
Another problem ….
Today I called a listing to see if we can go see it, and the Realtor tells me “Oh that listing isn’t on the Market anymore, I need to take it off the listing”. I wanted to tell him, “Oh really, then do your job and take it off the MLX”. If it’s no longer on the Market when does this guy expect to take it off the listing? After he gets about 10 calls on the property? It’s just completely frustrating having to deal with Realtor’s who aren’t doing their jobs correctly. I also called two other Realtor’s for two separate properties and neither of them picked up. One Realtor had two numbers and one of them the office was closed at 8am, and the other number her mail box was full. Okay that’s okay I left a message and she has an email address so I’ll email her, right?!? WRONG! Her email came back to me in error. NICE!
I see that people are still buying homes, left and right, but somehow it seems impossible for me to find one.
I only have hope that I find one that will finally be my HOME!
kristin nicole
Awesome article & it should be published!!! Disgusting of the realtors, then they complain about a lack of clientle, but they have fault in it…It’s just not the economy