The Question:
I found out my husband of 16 years has been having an affair and I can’t deal with it please help?
I found out 4 months ago that he had been sleeping with the secretary at work. Her husband found out and phoned me and told me all about it. My husband told me it had been going on for about 5 months. He said that he did it because it was offered to him on a platter and that our relationship was fine, and that he loves me and does not want to lose me. What hurt the most is he brought her to our house while the kids and I were away and had sex with her in our lounge-room. I have know idea how to get through this, I feel like nothing and I am depressed all the time. I think the best thing is for him to leave but I just don’t know. I know everyone has different ways of dealing with a cheater but I would just like some advice from people who have been in my shoes. Thanks so much…
My Response:
Dear Destroyed;
It’s hard to find out someone we trusted and loved cheated on us. His excuse is plain out BS! Don’t give me that I love you and nothing is wrong yet I’ve been sleeping with my secretary for 5 months because it was handed to me???? SO WHAT???? SO if a guy handed you something in return would you take it? Marriage is a sacred sacrament and it is not something you just ignore. Don’t let him sweat talk you into thinking that what he did was okay. You deserve more than that, you gave him 16 years and now he’s done the ultimate betrayal. It is not going to be easy but I think the first step is making him leave the house. You need to get your thoughts together and you need know that what he did had nothing to do with anything you did, and only selfishness on his part. The fact that he brought this women into your house, where you have your family shows no sign of respect for you or your children. This is unacceptable….and disgusting … You have to be strong for your kids, and you have to know that even though it doesn’t seem like it right now there is always someone out there for someone (even if you don’t see that now), and even though right now you feel like your heart has been ripped out, and you will never feel happy, TRUST ME, You will. Life moves on and we move on and we learn to live and move on from the hurt that others cause us. It is not going to be easy, it’s going to be a hard journey, but you need to be strong and know that you deserve someone a lot better than someone who would lie to you and cheat on you and then use an excuse like the one he did.
Good luck. Remember you need to love yourself and you need to heal with time before moving on. It will take time, but time does heal all wounds.
kristin nicole
I found this question on
She should tell her husband he is a coward for not telling the truth and that he can’t have his cake and eat it too any longer because she is going to leave him. If he is willing to admit he has been making a drastic mistake and swears to change his ways then maybe they could have a chance but if I were her I would have a lot of trouble ever trusting him again because even when he is caught he continues to lie! MEN!