The Question:
If your dating a much older guy, would you introduce him to your parents?
Me and my boyfriend have a 20 year difference, both of us are over 21. It’s getting serious and parents would like to meet him. Any advice?
Additional Details
We have been together for a year, neither of us are married (know someone will ask).
My Response:
Dear Much Younger;
If you are 20 years apart that makes your boyfriend over 40, this is a huge gap difference and regardless of when your parents meet this guy they probably aren’t going to react the way you want them to. If you are serious about this guy and you have been dating for a year, then I think it’s time the parents meet him. Give them the heads up so they aren’t shocked in front of him. Don’t keep hiding him from your family, you are an adult and you can date whoever you want, they will eventually have to come around and understand. If you fell in love with him, I am sure your family will to.
kristin nicole
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