The Question:
I’m divorced, my husband cheated on me with my best friend. I just confronted her right now….!! Please tell me whether I did the right thing or not. The ex best friend and I met outside a high street shop, I had a bag full of all the things she had ever given me and as soon as I saw her, I threw them on the floor and chucked them in the trash. Then she tried to walk away, I grabbed her arm, gave her a piece of my mind and threw our childhood photographs in her face and said, “Some f****** friend you are”. She was taken aback, slapped me and then I pushed her against the wall, called her a ***** and left her picking the photographs up. I walked away and when I looked back she was on the phone with – my EX husband (who she is currently living with). Did I do the right thing or not, I was SO hurt and angry.
My response:
Dear Hurt & Angry;
Let me start with WOW! Do you have kids with your ex husband? How long ago was this if she is already living with your ex husband and you are already divorced. I can’t believe it’s taken you this long to confront her. I say you did what you felt you needed to do, there is no wrong in you confronting her about her friendship or her sleeping with your husband at the time. She was definitely NOT a friend! What you did was actually very calm, she actually had no right to slap you, she is the one who cheated with your husband, and not only is she a cheater she cheated with her so called best friends husband, and now is living with him. Am I getting all this right?!? What kind of person does this??? Definitely not a GOOD Person! If I was you, I would have probably just dumped all the stuff we had together in the trash a long time ago, and I would have definitely confronted her sooner, I would have told her how I felt, how disgusting she is to do such a thing, and if she laid one hand on me, I would have probably done more then just push her down the way you did. So don’t for one second feel bad about doing what you did, or confronting her. She betrayed your friendship and your trust in one of the most worst ways possible. You deserve a better friend and a whole of a lot better MAN! Good for you for moving on and you have every right to be hurt and angry. Now that you have confronted her, try to move on and forget about them, I know its easier said than done, but you deserve better people in your life. Those two deserve each other, and always remember KARMA! What goes around comes around. Those two will get it one way or the other.
kristin nicole
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