I know I am a little late on telling you how my Memorial Weekend went. I apologize. I have been so busy with school and work, and studying that I haven’t had the time to catch up.
So my weekend….
Friday we ended up not doing much, just hanging out at the house and I studied. Saturday we hung out during the day and at night got ready for a house concert at one of my boyfriends clients house. The artist: Mark Aaron James. I hadn’t heard about him until Saturday night, and let me tell you, I really enjoyed the night. It started off muggy, and it did rain a little but we were under the tent, and there was a nice breeze. This is something rare here in Miami LOL. So there was food and drinks and music. Can’t ask for a better night. 😉
So back to Mark….
His music lyrics remind me a lot of Jason Mraz. It’s funny, different, happy. I loved it. He sang and played the guitar wonderfully. Look below and you can see his picture. I also recommend you checking him out.

Mark Aaron James - House Concert
Sunday we stayed home during the day, while I studied some more, and at night we met up with another couple friend and went to my favorite Sushi place… Shibui. 🙂
We ate, and as I enjoyed the mouth watering sushi in my mouth we talked and enjoyed the night. Later went over to a Bar near by called Skully’s Tavern. Mind you, I used to go here when I was little with my Aunt, and I have to say the place looks good. The drinks were good too. They closed at 1:30 so we headed out to the Tavern by Sunset Place. Had more drinks, talked more and ended the night GREAT!!!!
To not go into to much detail, my dad was in the hospital Sunday night and had to get his appendix removed. He’s okay and home now, but Monday, I had to go visit him at the hospital. We then went to my house and my brother, sister in law and nephews were there. So I studied more ( I KNOW, I KNOW, I’m so studious) LOL…. We ate some good BBQ & Later went back to my boyfriends house. It was a great weekend, very busy and getting ready for a big test I have tomorrow and a long busy weekend a head of me.
Until next time… shoot me an email with questions or leave comments.
Kristin Nicole
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