The Question:
Dear Kristin Nicole;
My husband and I have been together for two years, married for one, and I have our first one on the way. At first, he was uber-excited when I showed him the ultrasound pictures, but after month four, all the happiness stopped. Now, he’s either sleeping right after he gets off work until he has to go back, or else he’s up all night texting/”playing video games” when I know he’s sneaking out of the house for God only knows what. I have reason to believe that he’s been seeing another woman, but I don’t have any money to leave him, as he comes from a rich family and all of mine has disowned me. If I left him, he would get custody because he’d be better-suited to care for the baby, but he’d never do it because he likes to sleep for (at least) sixteen hours at a time, and I doubt his little redheaded hussy would want to raise a kid that’s not hers. He doesn’t say he loves me anymore, he wants nothing to do with me if I start talking about the pregnancy… if I bring it up, he leaves the room, or starts talking about bills and how we’re financially screwed from now on. I don’t have any friends to rely on, because they’re all still in the partying stage (basically, when I stopped drinking every weekend, they stopped talking to me), and I haven’t heard from any of them in about two years. Depressed, exhausted and running out of options. Oh, and for the icing on the cake? Whenever my “loving hubby” has talked about having kids, they’d always had red hair in his dream. Please help.
My Response:
Dear Exhausted;
You are in a hard situation. There a few things you can try to do. First you need try and talk with your husband to see what is going on. Tell him how you are feeling, because if you don’t communicate then he isn’t going to know how you feel and you are going to continue to feel depressed and alone through a time that should be happy for the both of you. Some men get scared when a family is on the way, but he needs to man up and be a husband a father to this child. I don’t condemn the cheating, and I understand that your situation isn’t as easy as pick and go. Although your situation is hard, personally I wouldn’t stay with a man who is cheating on me, especially when we are about to start a family, he is practically just spitting in your face (which to me is one of the most disgusting things a person can do to another). I would try to make mends with your family, family should be there for one another and unless you don’t try to mend things with them you won’t know if perhaps they will forgive you and help you out. As for your friends, those are not friends if they stopped talking to you just because you can’t go partying anymore with them, friends will be around no matter what if they were your true friends. I am not sure if you have a job, but it doesn’t matter if your husband makes more money then you do and staying with him just because he makes more money isn’t going to make you happy. If you don’t have a job, find a job that will help support you and your child if need be. You can always go to a lawyer and get a free consultation, they will explain to you your rights and what can happen if you decide to leave your husband and file for custody of your child. I don’t know where you live but some states do not allow cheating on your spouse, and you will have a big case right there if in fact he is cheating on you. I live in Miami, and in Florida it’s a “no fault state” so cheating wouldn’t help in a case like yours. You are in a hard spot, try talking to your husband first and try mending things with your family whether you stay with your husband or not, because I am sure they would love to see your baby one day. I don’t know the full story so I’m not sure the extent of why you don’t talk to your family but this is a time that you need them the most. Remember to love yourself and no matter how hard a situation may be, there is always a choice to leave. You deserve better than what your husband is doing to you right now.
If you need to talk don’t hesitate to email me.
kristin nicole
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