The Question:
I’ve been married 22 years and I feel like I don’t have anything to show for. I mean I didn’t go to college, I chose to get married and have kids, but now that I’m 42 yrs old, I feel like I have nothing to show for it. Am I having a mid life crisis? We don’t really do anything as a couple. I need more for some reason. Please help!
Additional Details
I don’t know what to say to my husband anymore without him thinking I want to be with another man cause I don’t want another man. I want a life!!!
My Response:
Dear Need More;
I do not think you are having a mid-life crisis, I just think that now that your kids are all grown up and you are at home that you are bored. Do you work? You are still young, go back to school if you want. You can go to an actual campus or you can try on-line classes, I know so many people your age that go back to school and get their degrees, it’s never too late. You chose to get married young and have your kids and that isn’t a bad thing, you may just be feeling a bit bored/lost since your kids are all grown up and you said you don’t really do things with your husband as a couple. Talk to your husband and tell him how you feel. If you have tried telling him, make plans and show him what you want. Tell him exactly what you told us here “I don’t want another man. I want a life!!!” Life is too short for you to sell yourself short now, figure out what it is you really want and go for it.
Good luck!
kristin nicole
I found this question on
Everyone can experience a crisis at any given point of their life. A crisis can be anything from losing a loved one to your kids flying the coop. Sometimes we lose track of life and get use to the way things are. It sounds like its time for a little change in your life. You should try something new like Kristin said. Maybe try a new hobby, school, a new job, changing your physical appearance, by going to the gym or simply changing your daily routine can make the difference. good luck!