Ok, so I’m window shopping at Sunset Place, Miami Florida with my friend “Z”, and we go into this store look around and walk out when I look at the window I see this mannequin with huge boobs, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I actually walked away, went into a Aldo shoe store right next door, got out of the shoe store and I just had to take this picture. A mannequin with big boobs, WTH!?!. So what does this tell our future our young children? We need fake boobs to fit into these dresses/ to look good? I thought it was funny more than anything. I told my boyfriend that now I’ll have to get big fake boobs in order to fit into these kind of clothes. So there goes my house fund! LOL
So here is the picture…

Hot Mannequin in the window of a department store next to Aldo Shoes
Enjoy Men & Women too! 😉
Kristin Nicole
Haha! Looks pretty hot! Now if they could only get her a little less pale…
Yes tell me about it, I’m super jealous of her! Hahaha
Kristin Nicole
I hate to break it to you, but I think my mannequin beats your mannequin…
For some reason the link did not come up…
Well Apryl in all fairness my Mannequin’s boobs are covered, but I think your mannequin might win haha. Incredible these mannequin’s now a days. I’m still shocked!
Kristin Nicole