Madison Schafer
I am not sure how old Madison Schafer is but she can’t be more than 2 years old. She looks really young, I was on my face-book account this morning when I saw an old co-workers post about a little girl in her daughters school who has brain cancer. I clicked on the link and began to read her story. They literally just found out that she had Brain Cancer yesterday. Before that it was only 5 days ago when they noticed something was wrong with the baby.
Brain Tumor/Cancer
On September 9th a CAT Scan resulted in a large tumor in the brain, they had an emergency surgery scheduled that same night to get it out, as they set out to take out the fleshy part of the tumor Madison’s heart stopped three times, so they had to stop the surgery. They later sent a sample to Harvard to a brain specialist to determine if in fact it was Cancer. An MRI later showed that the tumor is holding liquid around the brain and not draining on it’s own so they had to place a drain in her head to drain the liquid, they were hoping that the liquid would start draining on it’s own. Madison is starting to move her bowel and eating, so they took the catheter out and the family is waiting on the next step to cure the cancer.
My Thoughts:
This story touched my heart, it is scary and hard to live through something like this with such a small child. The school has a website where you can follow Madisons recovery at You can follow her recovery, and you can help the family by either donating money, food, or anything that will help them through this difficult time. Some people are donating Publix or Winn Dixie gift cards (CBS 4 News donated some gift cards to the family) and some are helping make home cooked meals and taking them to the hospital. You can help donate HERE.
In life we truly never know what will happen. Some of us live our lives healthy and content, others go through the hardest moments in life not knowing what to do. I couldn’t imagine what the Schafer family is going through and I think if we all say a prayer, if we all contribute just a little, that in a small way it will help them get through this horrible time one step at a time.
If you want to donate click on the link above, and you can also write a message to the family either here on this link (I have informed them that I have posted a blog post about Madison on Soapnights) and or you can leave a message HERE.
My prayers are with Madison a beautiful baby girl who doesn’t deserve to have such a horrible illness and to her family who needs to stay strong, and think positive that everything will be alright.
kristin nicole
Dear Schafer family,
It breaks my heart to read a story like yours. I have posted links to this website ( about your daughter Madison and I will pray for her fast recovery back to a normal life. No one should have to go thorugh what you are going through, and we sometimes give up on hope when things like this happen. We turn our backs on our beliefs because we wonder why things like this happen to us. This is the time that you have to come together, keep your faith and your hopes up and think positive. My prayers are with Madison (that beautiful baby girl) and with you. Stay strong, Madison will pull through this.
kristin nicole
Thank you Kristin. I am an old friend of Madison’s father and I saw your blog because of him. It is so refreshing to see someone who knows nothing of their family write something so caring and supportive. Your words are well written and even more appreciated.
I know that if I were in a position like this all the prayers and support would help a little. I know it is not much, but a little goes a long way. God bless
kristin nicole
Thank you for your compassion and sharing of our angel Madison’s story. Madison is 20 months old and her daddy is our son. The Internet and facebook has made this a small world and people all over the world have been praying for her recovery. I am posting on facebook updates daily.
Dear Madison and family,
Our Spanish women Bible study at FBCW, has began to pray for total health in her little body. We have seen the wonderful miracles in our own personal family. God has saved our little nice from the strange illness of moya moya, she had surgeries and now is up and running. We have seen how our cousin was told by doctors that she wouldn’t live,survive massive strokes. And with those things in mind we pray to an awesome and mighty God who is able to heal. We pray for the peace that passes all understanding to guard her parents and grandparent and her big brother. May the Lord Jesus Christ bring her body to a full recovery. The Scriptures says that “By his stripes we were healed” Christ has won in Calvary the redemption of our souls. She is healed because she belongs to a great God. To a great and powerful God we lift her up in great confidence that His name will be exalted through her precious little life!!!
I am a 8 year old girl and i am in 3rd grade .My school is helping Madison Schafer by writing books .Almost everybody in my are helping ,and I think I have done the most help because I have done 13 books for her.I wish Madison gets well soon.
That is a remarkable thing you and the other students are doing for Madison. Keep it up, I am sure Madison and her family really appreciate it.
kristin nicole