The Question:
I used to have no problems with my married life. Now I find myself often wanting to be alone… I got married young-ish (25), I am still in love 8 years later, I am just tired of sharing my space 24/7… What can I do?
My Response:
Dear Need Space;
If you are still in love with your wife then this is good. You just need your space, which sometimes is understandable. Take time for yourself, whether it is a hot bath, reading a book or grabbing a glass of wine (yes guys do this too) and if you need more space then that, maybe join a gym and take time off by working out. Go out with a friend to a coffee shop, or a bar to watch the latest sports game. The point is, take some time for you and spend it either by yourself or with some friends. A marriage takes a lot of work but it does not mean that you can’t take a day for yourself. Take a day out of the week or out of the month to do YOU!
kristin nicole
I found this question on
Agreed. Space is good – no – it’s necessary.
It’s not wrong and it doesn’t mean you love your partner any less for it.
Not sure if Chicago’s Song “Hard to say I’m sorry” fits here but these lines ring a bell.
Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say
From each other
Even lovers need a holiday
Far away
From each other
Dear Tony,
Great song 🙂