The Question:
Would you find it strange if your male boss made a friend request to you on Facebook? If you were working there for a week only…
He’s not exactly the friendliest guy either…he’s okay but a little nerdy lol
I kind of feel like I have no other choice but to except because it’s a good job and I don’t want him to hate me for not accepting him… What should I do?
(Revised – KN)
My Response:
Dear Friend Request;
I do find it a little strange considering he is your boss and you have only been working there a week. If you don’t want to deny him the friendship request I would add him to a list that you can create under your Privacy Settings. You can manage what some can see and what others can’t see. For example; you can add him to the privacy setting where he cannot see any of your personal information or any of your pictures, and he can only see your wall. If he asks, just tell him you do not have any pictures up and that you barely log onto Facebook. Create your Privacy Settings before requesting him, and if he asks you if you got his friend request tell him you barely log on, so you haven’t seen it. (This way he doesn’t think you are ignoring his friend request), but don’t bring it up so that it makes it look like you really haven’t seen the request, don’t mention it unless he does first…
I don’t think management should request Facebook friendships, I think it can be awkward and or snooping on their part. If it’s too much just take Facebook off for a while, but I do not think it is necessary if you add him to a privacy list.
Good luck
kristin nicole
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