I received this letter from a woman named Iris who knows the family, Please read:
Hi Kristin,
I received this from a co-worker who goes to the same church as Gianfranco’s Mom. Thought maybe you or your mom could pass the message around that the family is in need. If you have any questions, let me know. You have a beautiful heart. Thank you.
Dear friends:
As many of you have heard through my email last night or even might have seen it on the news of the terrible tragedy of the loss of our little angel Gianfranco Rivoli who has gone to the Lord at the tender age of six years old after a terrible accident. We thank you all for your prayers and ask you to continue to keep this family in your thoughts and prayers during this very painful time. The family appreciates your thoughtfulness and love.
Many of you have called and asked for us to share any particular need the family may have, at this time, we would like to share a very urgent need. Tomorrow the family will begin to make funeral arrangements,however we have learned today that they presently are facing a very difficult financial situation and may not be able to afford the cost of the funeral. At this time my brothers and sisters we ask you all to prayerfully consider joining us in making a contribution in the amount the Lord may lead you. Please share this email with friends, ministry partners and family. Pray that others may feel moved to give. Please know that this is very time sensitive, so we would need to move very quickly.
The Lord has called our sister Lee Menendez to graciously open an account at Washington Mutual to make it easier for individuals to make deposits and facilitate a check for the family. (It was confirmed that this is a legit account and address) The account number is (3584413244). The account is under Elizabeth Menendez, if you like, you can mail a copy of the deposit slip with a note to the family to the following addres:
Menendez CPA 18459
Pines Blvd #236
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
We trust that the Lord faithfulness, He is the great provider and will meet the needs of this family through the generosity of others. Please continue to join us in prayer for this very special family during this difficult time and may the Lord bless you for all your efforts.
“Live to Give”
With love in Christ,
Iris Marrero
~ Gianfranco’s funeral was on Friday 1.23.09 although the funeral has already passed we hope that anyone who can, will contribute to the family. They are still in need of our help.
Kristin Nicole
Hope they get the help they need.