Do you ever wonder where you would be had you made a left turn in life instead of a right turn? Would you change things?
I don’t think I would. Whatever choices I made in life, is what made me into ME. Maybe I would change a few things. Like finishing school earlier instead of feeling like I should be so much more than what I am now. Other than that, I wouldn’t change a thing.
The only regret I truly have is never finishing school. Had I finished, I would have had my degree right now and in a different industry of work. But you make the choices you make, and you learn to live with them. I still don’t know what I want to do/be when “I GROW UP”. 😉
I don’t think most of us know that question. I do know however that I am happy with the way my life is right now and I am working to only make it better. There are some things that I would have done differently, because it would have changed certain financial situations in my life right now, but you live, you learn and you keep moving forward, and that’s exactly what I have done.
You need to strive for the things you want, and be positive and soon you will see all of your dreams coming true….
Kristin Nicole
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