Are you frustrated? What do you do to release your frustration?
This time I think I need advise. I usually give it, but I’m so frustrated with feeling this way, that I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m at an end point, and I don’t know how to get out. I had my tonsillectomy last Tuesday, March 17, 2009. Today is Wednesday, March 25, 2009 and I’m still in a lot of pain. I can only whisper, I can hardly eat, and I don’t sleep. What a life!
My life…
Last night for example, I took the pain medication at 10pm and I passed out I was so exhausted. I woke up at 11:33 and after that didn’t fall asleep again until after 1am. Then woke up again around 2am and off and on the whole night. This is how I have slept for the past week. Eating? I don’t even know what that is. I tried to have a pudding this morning and that hurt. I need to eat more too before I wither away and my boyfriend doesn’t recognize me anymore. Now I remember the reason I didn’t want to do this when I was 17 years old. Okay, so I always remembered, but now I know I was right not to do it. I just hope that this truly helps with me not getting sick anymore. Or at least not as much. I also know, at least I will never have swollen tonsils again. But is this really worth it? I guess only time can tell.
The doctor told me that the 4th to 7th day would be the worst. Today is the 8th day and I’m still in a lot of pain. I can only have faith that it will get better from here. I just really hope it gets better by this weekend because we are going to the Keys to celebrate my sister in laws 30th birthday and 2 other friends that turn 30 around the same month. So wish me luck, give me faith and remember it can only get better from here.
WOW, That sure sounds like great advice. 😉
Kristin Nicole
I’m really sorry you aren’t feeling any better 🙁 But it will get better! <3
Dear Vanessa,
I hope I get better too heh. Thanks.
Kristin Nicole