Edmund Tamay is the man they are saying is renting out his mansion condo near Biscayne to shoot Porn. Neighbors have pictures of the Production people hauling in equipment. Edmund states there is no Porn shooting in his home. You can read more about the story in the Link below.
They ask the question though, would you like for them to be filming porn next to your house?
This question has many answers depending on who you are?
If I was a man, I’m sure I would love Porn to be filming right next door. It’s a man’s dream come true 😉
As a women, I wouldn’t really care for it, as long as it doesn’t interfere in my life at home.
If I had a family, I wouldn’t want Porn filming next door. I wouldn’t want a child of mine to hear or see anything that I later have to explain.
I remember when I worked at a Construction site, we were almost done with the building and the building next door was already complete, people were already living there, and all of a sudden I hear that all the men are on the 15th floor watching porn being filmed across the street. I didn’t know they can do that so publicly with the windows open. I sure wouldn’t want to be the neighbor in the apartment they were standing in once it’s complete. Imagine you cleaning your windows and BAMB! There is a naked chick going down on a guy. I don’t think I would care for that too much. But then again I’m a women.
What would you prefer?
Kristin Nicole
If you want to read the story mentioned above Click HERE.
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