I am fairly new to this coaching business. I know some coaches on my team who have coached for over 10 years. Watching them and seeing them grow not only as a coach but as person inspired me.
I started my journey different than most. I wasn’t overly overweight, in fact I have struggled most of my life being “too skinny” or at least that’s how I felt society saw me. You see… body image comes in all shapes in sizes. You don’t always need to eat healthy and exercise to lose weight. There are many factors as to why people choose to eat healthy and exercise. After having my kids I gained some weight and after my second baby I couldn’t get rid of the “muffin top”. I felt like my body had changed and my anxiety was getting worse. I needed to find something that helped me feel good physically and mentally. I was looking to feel “NORMAL” again. Some people have said that I don’t know what it feels like to be overweight and they are absolutely right. But being overweight isn’t the only reason that some people suffer from body image. Like I said before and I’ll say it again, body image comes in ALL SHAPES AND SIZES.

You may relate, you may not. But I share my story because I have never felt more confident in my skin than I do now. I’m pregnant with Baby #3 and I would have never showed my belly on social media before. I felt insecure and I didn’t feel that cute glow others say they feel. Looking back, I wish I had, because growing a baby inside you is a blessing. It’s truly a miracle and you may look different then that the girl on instagram but that doesn’t mean that your body isn’t as perfect or as beautiful as you see on social media, because I’m here to tell you IT IS BEAUTIFUL AND SO ARE YOU! Today, I show my belly off all the time in my videos. Who cares what others think or say, what matters is how YOU feel!
I still struggle with anxiety, it’s something I work on everyday, but changing my nutrition and learning to exercise right has truly made a difference in my life. I share my story because I love HELPING others on their journey. So here I am talking to YOU and hoping you’re listening.
I tell my clients all the time, nutrition is key. You can exercise all day and not get the results you are looking for if your nutrition is crap. It also works the other way around, if your nutrition is on point, you will get results but you will slowly plateau. Life is about balance and so is your nutrition and exercise.
Eating a healthy balanced nutrition can help:
👉 Improve Heart Disease
👉 Gut Health
👉 Your skin may improve
👉 Weight Loss or Weight Gain (depending on what you are trying to achieve).
👉 Your mood may lift
👉 Brain Fog?? Eating healthy can help with this
👉 Balance blood sugar levels (If you have diabetes learning to eat right can help).

These are just a few benefits on learning to eat the right nutrition. I don’t mean fad, quick fix diets. You see a lot of people cutting out carbs, going paleo, eating only meat. You do what works for you, but I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be hard, you don’t need to feel deprived. Learning to have a balanced nutrition is important.
The energy we need comes from foods we eat and the fluids we drink. These nutrients are broken into fats, proteins and YES Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates play an important role in helping to provide a quick energy level, especially when exercising. “Good carbs are found in foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and dairy. They don’t just help you with energy, they can also play a role in mental sharpness and help your metabolism.
Carbohydrates can help:
👉 Provide energy to fuel your body, including, brain, heart, and central nervous system.
👉 Help with Digestion
👉 Manage blood cholesterol levels
👉 Help control glucose and insulin metabolism

Did you know that not getting enough carbohydrates can have consequences in fatigue, weakness, constipation, vitamin deficiencies, and can cause concentrating to become difficult for you? Our human brain utilizes 20-25% of the body’s glucose.
Complex carbohydrates is a source of energy that helps fuel muscle contractions. Once eaten, carbs break down into smaller sugars (glucose, fructose, and galactose) which is used as energy. Unused glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in the muscles and liver for future use.
Glycogen is an energy source which is often used in short intense workouts; like weightlifting or sprints. When you are exercising the stored glycogen is converted back to glucose and burned for fuel. If you are doing an endurance exercise, the glycogen breaks down fat into what your muscles can use as fuel. Not only do carbs help with muscle contraction but it also helps supply energy to your brain
There is so much to learn about what is healthy and what is “bad” for you. I am no expert, I just like to research a lot and truly learn and understand what the body needs before feeling deprived and jumping on a band wagon “diet”. I don’t believe in diets, I think its’ a quick fix. Most people diet and fall off because it gets hard and because they miss the foods they truly love. Truly learning to eat what you feel right for you is key, learning what makes your body feel right and what you need is key. Nutrition, is KEY!
As a coach I love seeing my clients find what works for them, seeing them feel better not just physically but mentally. I believe nutrition and exercise go hand in hand.
Exercise also has tons of benefits, these are just a few that I’m going to list:
👉 Reduce fatigue and gain energy
👉 Improve balance and lower risk of injuries
👉 Manage and help prevent disease like arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers.
👉 Sleep better
👉 Reduce anxiety (This personally helps me)
👉 Maintain a healthy weight
👉 Control blood pressure
👉Help with mood and reduce feelings of depression

Changing your lifestyle and being consistent takes work. Quick diets don’t and that’s why a lot of people choose them. But in order to truly learn your body and learn to fuel your body right you have to find that balanced nutrition and exercise that makes you feel good. It looks different for everyone and that’s okay. But if you are ready to feel good and create a balanced lifestyle I am here for you.
Message me over on Instagram or fill out one of the forms on HERE.
References: VeryWellFit.com
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