Do you see the colors in the world?!? Or Do you see in black and white?!?
My thoughts:
Sometimes I sit back and wonder if we really see all the colors in the world. If we truly know how lucky we are to just see. How lucky we are then most. Sometimes when I feel sad, I try to acknowledge all the great things I have in my life, that others aren’t so lucky to have in theirs. For example, I have my family who loves me, I have friends, I have my health and roof over my head, I have a job, I have LOVE. Some people don’t have any of those things.
Life is a blessing to most, and a nightmare to some. Those that surpass hardship and pain are the strongest. Some people don’t know how to survive the hard stuff and they take the easy way out, they end their own lives. That only leaves your family and friends to mourn for you, causing more pain to the ones you love. I never understood why people end their own lives. I think it’s selfish and they are only thinking about themselves. Unfortunately I also don’t know the sadness they had to live with each and every day, either, but I do know that no matter how sad you are, you have to talk to someone, you have to be strong and realize that things can be worse. Don’t look at things as only black and white, look around you and open your eyes, see the colors that some people can’t see.
A few quotes I thought you would like:
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. ~ Anais Nin
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Kristin Nicole
I think some people are sometimes fogged/jaded by everyday situations and forget to see the positive things they have in life.
This entry struck a chord just because my father took his own life when I was very young. And I agree, what he did was extremely selfish. I have often wondered how my life would be different if he were still around.
Dear Vanessa,
I didn’t know that is how your dad passed away. I do honestly believe it is a selfish act, however, everything in life happens for a reason. You are a wonderful person and I have come to call a good friend, and you wouldn’t be who you are if it weren’t for all the hard times you have over come.
But yes, it’s always hard to wonder how our lives would be if things had been different; but we move forward and we live life the only way we know how.
Kristin Nicole