Be Strong
When you feel like your world is falling apart
have faith and stand strong.
When you feel like it’s the end of the world
remember that there are people out there who are suffering more than you are right now.
If you are the one suffering and you don’t know what to do
remember to pray
remember to not hate what you can not control
remember that we all need love in our hearts to move forward
because if we give in to the hate,
if we give in to the sadness
we are only admitting defeat.
Stand strong
Be strong
Life is a journey
we all take the bad with the good
and we all wonder at one point in our lives
“why is this happening to me”?
Let love enter your heart
with love, the world has no end
with love we know no limits
with love we have support of the ones we care for
with love we smile
with love we cry
with love we know no boundaries
and yet we keep loving
we keep living
and we keep having the faith that in the end Everything will be alright.
kristin nicole
My thoughts:
I have been thinking recently about how we all complain about things we aren’t happy about in life. Only you can change the actions that cause your life events and only you can change fate. My last two posts have been about this little girl who is only 20 months old fighting for her life due to a tumor in her brain that is cancerous. Her family I can only imagine is in shambles, wondering what is going to happen, not knowing if tomorrow will come and looking into the beautiful eyes of that baby girl (Madison Schafer). I think about how we complain about things in life, but if you stop just for one second to realize all the beautiful things you have in life you might realize that the bad stuff happening right now is actually not so bad. Realize that there are people out there like the Schafer family who is struggling way more than some people can ever imagine. Have faith and pray and remember that miracles do happen, positive thinking really does change outcomes and in the end remember the people you love, love them back because tomorrow is never promised. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, and we take so many things for granted, we take life for granted. Pray like there is no tomorrow, love like you have never loved before, and live life to your fullest. ~Live, Love, Laugh~
© ~written by: kristin nicole – 09.16.10 @7:35 am ~
Today the Schafer family will learn about Madison’s condition and they will see what treatments they will need to give Madison for her recovery. My prayers are with them all.
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