Advice Column: Will she get mad if I went to a sperm bank? Image found on flickr.com
The Question: Will she get mad that I went to a sperm bank?
I went to pick up my date but she was still getting ready. I talked to her mother (no name) while I was waiting. She asked me if I could use some extra cash. Of course I said yes. I asked her what I had to do. She said her office paid $100 per visit for something I was probably doing for free now. She said come on down any time. She gave me her card and it showed she owned a sperm bank. She wanted me to come in and make DEPOSITS.
This just seems strange to me. If my girlfriend sees me at her moms office, what can I tell her? Will I be in big trouble with my girlfriend? Or is this business just like any other business and it should not cause me any problems donating sperm. Surely my girlfriend knows what her mom does.
I can just hear the following conversation now. “What did you do today?” “I went to your mom’s office and J—— off. I never want to see you again you pervert.” What should I do?
My Response:
Dear Sperm Bank;
Let me first start off with… WHAT? It’s just weird and wrong of the mom to have asked you to do this in the first place. Second; you have to really think about doing something like this. It’s not just extra money, if you want extra money, get a job. Get two jobs if you have to. Giving away your sperm means making a child out there. Even if you do this anonymously, some children grow up wanting to know who their dad is, and go searching for them anyway. Some are found out, and then years later when you have a family of your own, you will have to explain to your wife that this is your kid. The kid you made while at the sperm bank. It’s just something to think about.
However; that doesn’t mean that going to a sperm bank is wrong, it helps women and couples who can’t have children, have them. But it’s a big decision that can one day change your life. So think about it before you decide to do something like this.
On that note; your girlfriend may not like this. Most girls I know, wouldn’t want to know that the guy they are dating is just making babies out there. She probably knows what her mom does (especially if her mom’s the owner) but it doesn’t necessarily mean she want her boyfriend donating his sperm.
If you haven’t gone yet, I would say not to go. Talk to your girlfriend first and tell her what happened before it gets out another way. If you already went and did the deed, then I am afraid you will just have to face the music. Talk to her and explain to her what happened and your reasons for going. Maybe you will be lucky and she won’t care.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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