Advice Column: Will I ever get married and have kids? Image found on flickr.com
The Question: Will I ever get married and have kids?
I’m a 28 year old woman. When I tell people my age they are shocked and think I look and act young.
I’m a bit depressed because I’m at an age where I should be getting married and having kids. However, I’m studying to be a nurse and I don’t finish until the end of next year. I’m broke but working on and off. I still want to go traveling, and do a big trip to Europe. All my friends my age have already done their “gap year” [sic] years ago and are now settled in their careers, getting married and having kids.
I feel so far behind! I’ll be starting my career at 30!
The only places I have travelled to are, Thailand, U.S.A, and The Greek Islands. I’ll be too old to go travel once I hit 30 right?
I’m constantly surrounded by younger people and I feel so old. Will I end up alone? I’m single now and every time I meet someone and we hit it off it turns out he is already taken, it’s so frustrating! At the rate I’m going I’ll be living my “20s” in my “30s” and will be alone and childless in my 40s.
My Response:
Dear 20s;
I am not sure what your question is. If it’s ‘are you too old to travel’ my answer would be NO! You are never too old to do anything you want to do in life. And when people tell me I look young, I’m ecstatic. Be happy you look good. Not everyone has a career and is married with children in their 20s. I didn’t get my Master’s Degree until I was 30, and I just got married in March. I don’t feel old and I don’t think I am behind. Most of my friends are a little older than me, and they all pretty much have careers, are married and with children. But I am not living their life, I’m living mine. I am taking my own pace, and I am enjoying my life right now before having children. We aren’t in the 50’s, now a days women don’t have to get married and have children in their 20’s. Enjoy your life, finish school and have fun. Don’t worry about what other people think, at the end of the day it’s your life. When you least expect it, you will find the right guy and settle down. But until then, enjoy your life. Be grateful for the travels you have been able to enjoy. Not many people can say they have traveled as much as you. You never know, maybe you will meet someone while traveling. Live your life to the fullest no matter what age you are and enjoy it.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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