Advice Column: How do I piss my wife off? Image found on flickr.com
The Question: How do I piss my wife off?
I get so sick of her smiling and being happy all of the time. I want her to feel angry like I do all of the time. I want her to carry a harsh burden like I always do. Please leave suggestions?
My Response:
Dear Unhappy Husband;
You definitely have a serious inner issue that needs to be resolved. People who are miserable always want others to feel the way they do. This is not the answer, nor is it going to make you feel any better about yourself. If you aren’t happy, then get out of the relationship. Don’t bring her down with you. I’m not sure how old you are, but this is a very childish way of thinking. If you cared or loved your wife, you would want her to be happy, you wouldn’t want her to feel whatever sadness you are carrying around. If you are feeling burdened and unhappy, you should talk to a professional psychologist. You need help and you need to find the reasons behind your thoughts.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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