Advice Column: I love my friends boyfriend. Image found on flickr.com
The Question:
I love my friends boyfriend, what should I do?
Okay so basically I feel really bad, I’ve been out with this boy before. We broke up because someone spread rumors about us. We liked each other for a bit after and I carried on liking him. My other friend said he still likes you, I can tell, the way he looks at you.” By the way, he and I have always been really close friends so we hang around a lot, and when he told our group of friends that he loved his girl (one of my friends in our group) I was crushed. My best friend knows how I feel. I can trust her with my life so I know she wouldn’t tell anyone. What do I do?
My Response:
If he’s moved on with another friend of yours then you have to let it go. He has obviously moved on. I know it hurts and it sucks that he was your boyfriend and friend first but sometimes life isn’t fair. How long as your friend been dating your ex? Did she know he was your ex? Because this is another factor in this story. As a friend, I would never date my friends ex boyfriend. Now that she’s already dating him, I would let things go. If you say anything to your friend then you may lose that friendship. He made his choice by being with someone else, you have to find a way to move on.
kristin nicole
I found this question on Yahoo.com
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