Advice Column: I want to sleep with my boyfriends BF. Image found on Flickr.com
Advice Column: I want to sleep with my boyfriend’s BF. What should I do?
Dear Kristin Nicole;
I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now. I love him, I don’t want to break up with him, but I have always had a physical attraction to his best friend. I actually met his best friend first, and we flirted for a while but nothing happened. I then met my now boyfriend and we hit it off. I still flirt with his best friend all the time, and he flirts back. One time when my boyfriend wasn’t looking he grabbed my ass and told me how hot I looked. It turned me on, knowing my boyfriend was in the other room. Another time I was wearing a skirt and we were all out to dinner, under the table he touched me. It was exciting and I just wanted to take him right there and kiss him. I don’t want to hurt my boyfriend but I can’t help my sexual feelings for his best friend. Should I just sleep with him and get it out of my system? Do I leave it alone? Help.
~ Attracted to my boyfriend’s Best Friend
My Response:
Dear Attracted to the boyfriend’s Best Friend;
It is never a good idea to cheat on your boyfriend, let a lone with his best friend. If you are having feelings for his best friend and his best friend has made moves on you, then you need to break up with your boyfriend. If you really loved him, you wouldn’t have allowed his best friend to touch you while out to dinner. I don’t think you should ever sleep with a boyfriend’s best friend or an ex’s best friend. But it is ultimately your choice. I would break up with your boyfriend and talk to the best friend. This may just be a physical attraction and you may lose something that was more special. But you never know, maybe this will turn into much more. On another note: If he was really a good person or friend, he wouldn’t be hitting on or touching his best friend’s girlfriend. I don’t care who met who first, it’s just wrong.
Look deep into your relationship, if you were really in love, you wouldn’t be messing around with his best friend. If the best friend really cared about his friend, he wouldn’t be messing around with his girlfriend. You say you don’t want to hurt your boyfriend but if you sleep with his best friend you are only going to hurt him. There really isn’t any way around this.
kristin nicole
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