Advice Column: How do I tell him I’m pregnant? Image found on flickr.com
The Question: How do I tell him I’m pregnant?
I just found out this morning that I’m pregnant. I really want this baby, but my boyfriend won’t want it. He’s already told me that he doesn’t want to have another baby, because he already has one with a previous relationship. He told me that I would have to get rid of it, if I ever got pregnant. even though he knows I don’t agree with abortions. Never have. I really want this baby, but I know he won’t want it, and he will tell me to get rid of it or try to get rid of it himself. He’s threatened to do this before. I don’t know what to do or how to even tell him.
My Response:
Dear Prego;
It’s not his choice as to whether or not you want to keep the baby. If you knew he didn’t want a child then you both should have used protection. The deed is done, but first I would go to the doctor to confirm you are pregnant. Sometimes the test over the counter can have a false positive. Once you have confirmed with the doctor that you are pregnant then you will have to talk to him. It will be your decision to stay with him or leave him and raise this baby on your own. Although he has said he doesn’t want another baby, he may change his mind once he knows you are pregnant. If he doesn’t change his mind and he’s adamant about you getting an abortion, then you need to stick up for yourself and decide what you want to do for you and your child. What do you mean, that he’s told you he would get rid of the baby, if you don’t? That sounds like a threat, and you shouldn’t be with someone who is telling you that. That is a serious statement. If you have family and friends, go to them. Talk to them first and have them help you out with this situation. Bringing a child into the world is a big responsibility, you need to make sure you are making the right decision before making it.
I found this question on Yahoo.com
You are lucky enough to live in a country that right now gives you the right to do what YOU want … Unfortunately you both should of been careful and could have prevented a pregnancy,especially if you knew how he felt about it.
It is strictly up to you , but your relationship will suffer if you decide to keep your child. I am sorry but with a partner like yours I do not think loosing him would be such a bad thing. He does not sound like a very nice guy. You are the only one who can make this decision , but remember you have many options that do not necessarily mean you have to abort your child. Good luck and again get rid of this guy….
Your choice , not his.. Unfortunately you got pregnant by a not so sympathetic guy. Make your decision and know there are many options . I believe in pro choice but I also recommend looking at options such as adoption instead of abortion if you decide not to keep your baby .Whatever you decide remember you have to live with that decision the rest of your life. Your body , your decision! But please get rid of this guy , he does not love you and never will.
Good luck!