I have decided to finally start Acupuncture. I have heard many good things about it in the past years, but I haven’t come around to actually trying it. Unfortunately my Insurance doesn’t cover Acupuncture, but I think it will be worth paying a little more and helping the problem I have in my low back and legs.
Acupuncture for those of you that may not know is a technique of inserting and manipulating fine filiform needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain or for therapeutic purposes. It is said that even disease and disorders can be treated with acupuncture. I am willing to finally sit down and put these small needles into my body to see if it helps.
Many people don’t believe in chiropractic care. I grew up with it because my mom worked for one for many years. I have been recently going to the Chiropractor and getting massages but it just doesn’t seem to be solving my problem. Although I believe in Chiropractic care and it does temporarily relieve some of my pain it hasn’t helped with the chronic pain I have had since I was 15 years old. I have tried physical therapy, massages, chiropractic care and nothing has helped. I need something that will work permanently, something that will work and I can finally say that I no longer feel the pain. When I can stand in my kitchen for more than an hour with out complaining from the pain, or finally go to Disney World and not feel like I’m in so much pain.
I will keep you updated on my results. The doctor says there will be treatments of 6-12, sometimes less sometimes a little more. If this helps me, I will be so grateful, and saddened that I didn’t try it sooner. Keeping the faith that it will work!
Kristin Nicole
Learn more about Acupuncture at Acupuncture.com or go to Wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture.
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