I don’t know if you are familiar with Yelp.com, but I was going through the threads when this question popped up:
The Question:
Its been almost a year and my girlfriend keeps texting back and forward with a coworker I was competing with when we were dating. This guy keeps telling her how beautiful she is and texting her when she is not at work. Initially I didn’t mind the competition but when she became mine, I let it go but this guy keeps coming back. Should I have a talk with her? I am not a jealous guy but I don’t want to be play a fool. Help!
My Thoughts:
Dear Mr. Not Jealous
Lets start off with my first question. Is your girlfriend texting this guy back?!?
You don’t want to cause conflicts at work if you work with this guy, so I would advise you talk to your girlfriend. You say you guys have been together for a year now, and that should mean open and honest communication with each other. Tell her how you feel, and have her text him back asking him to please not text her anymore. If she loves you and she wants your relationship to work, I see no problem in her doing this.
If she has a problem texting and telling this guy to stop texting her, then maybe there is something else behind these texts. If she’s texting him back, maybe he thinks it’s okay to tell your girlfriend she is beautiful. This is a disrespect to you and your relationship and he also needs to know that he’s stepping over his boundaries. Maybe go up to him nicely and ask him to please stop texting your girlfriend, that you don’t appreciate it. If this is too straight forward for you and you feel this may cause conflict (as I stated above) in the work place then speak to your girlfriend and have her tell him to stop.
If she refuses then maybe you need to sit down and see what she wants out of your relationship, because if she’s going to continue flirting and texting with this guy then maybe you need to re-evaluate your relationship.
Kristin Nicole
shes a slut dump her
gr8 advice!!
Thank you 🙂
kristin nicole