The Question:
Should he move on or keep waiting on her? A friend of mine met this girl online last week and they have were emailing each other quite heavily for a few days. They had a lot in common and were looking for the same thing. They even exchanged a few pics of each other. This guy suggested they meet and said she could come to his place. He gave her his phone number and address. She was fine with that. Ok, then she changes it to a more public place which wasn’t far from his house and he was cool. She hasn’t given him her phone number yet, by the way. Ok, she sets the location, date and the time. My friend said he gets there but she doesn’t show up. Later in the day she emails him saying she was nervous about meeting him face to face but she still wants to talk to him. He said he was fine with that but he senses she may be loosing interest in him. The emails are starting to get less and less from her. He feels that instead of having him sitting there at a gas station waiting on her to show up she could have at least called him to say she wasn’t coming. She had his number but she didn’t even call or even send a text. She could have done that if she didn’t want to meet. Hell, it was later in the day before she even sent her email. They were suppose to meet at 10:30 AM and she didn’t send her email until 4 PM. Should my friend move on to someone who seems a little more interested? I told him not to put all his eggs in one basket and to keep looking elsewhere cause she seems like there may be some drama there she’s not telling. What do you think?
My Response:
Dear Friend;
Plain and Simple: Move on…. This girl is simply not interested or she is way too shy, either way, if you are on a dating site, you know eventually you have to meet a stranger. I can understand her not wanting to meet him at his house, that is a little strange to do on a first meeting (she doesn’t know if your friend is a perv or not), it’s better for him to invite a person he’s never met out in public, the girl will feel more comfortable rather than meeting at his place. As for him waiting in his car for her at a gas station? (Was this the Public Place they were meeting in)? Sounds a little funny, if she’s the one who set up this “public place” then perhaps she just wanted to see how he really looked (not sure if they exchanged pictures prior to this or not) but maybe she just wanted to meet him and didn’t like what she saw so blew him off, felt bad and emailed him back making up that excuse, and little by little has not written back to him so that he can get the point and move on. Some women don’t know how to be straight forward and so they play these small games and expect the man to figure it out. Sorry dude, but “she’s just not that into your friend”. Tell your friend to move on and find another girl, and next time… PLEASE tell him to meet in a public place (coffee shop, diner, anywhere else other than his place or a gas station). Good luck.
kristin nicole
I found this question on
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