So lately I have just been overwhelmed with life in general. As you know, and if you don’t know I’ll tell you now….I take on-line classes to finish my degree. Now for some people school is easy, for others like myself, not so much. It’s hard for me to concentrate and comprehend half of what I’m reading, especially after a Full Time day at work. So after 9 hours of being at work, I go home to get back on the computer to study. I do on-line classes because it seems to be easier than having to make it to a campus on time before class starts, you can also open your computer whenever you want, instead of having to be in class at a certain day and time. Now although it seems like a much easier way out, it’s quite difficult. There is more reading involved in short periods before the next quiz or test is due. I feel like it’s going to take me forever to finish school because I can only take 2 classes a semester. (So some grownup advice: Stay in school kids), seriously. It’s so much easier when your 18. I had more energy back then to work full time and go to school full time. Now I barely go part time and I feel exhausted. I guess it also doesn’t help that I don’t sleep right. Well that’s another story….
When I grow up
Aside from school and the overwhelming need to do good, Work isn’t so bad. I have my busy days, but I prefer it, my day goes faster this way. Only thing I can say is I wish I enjoyed working more. Does anyone really enjoy working? Does anyone really love their job? So these questions go back to school. What do I want to be when I “GROW UP”? I still don’t know, another frustrating FACT! I started off by wanting to get a Business Degree, sure it’s generic, so you can pretty much go in any field and say, here is my degree. I come to find out, I may have to take a lot of Math courses. And oh how I LOVE MY MATH! (If you can’t tell I’m being Very Sarcastic). I never liked math, actually I remember as far as 4th or 5th grade when my math teacher had to call my mom in for a conference. For some reason unknown, when it comes to test I have a block in my mind. I can study and you can ask me the questions and I’ll know them, but when it comes down to taking the test, I would fail. So, do I really want to stick with Business? The question that never has an answer.
Changing my mind
I thought about going into journalism, but then I hear all these stories of how hard it is to even get a job, especially now with the way the economy is. But I have always wanted to write a book, about what?! Not quite sure yet. If having my own article one day would happen, would that make me happy. It would make me ecstatic. That’s what this website is the beginning of….Make a “Ask Kristin” website. So go ahead, give it a shot. Ask away, and I have tons of advice =)
Back to the subject
So back to the being stressed, and overwhelmed, as you can see, although it doesn’t compare to most people’s stress. It does however, stress me out, not knowing what the future holds. Then of course there are also a few in between stuff I didn’t mention here. Like finding a house, hasn’t been easy. Oh how I look forward to the day of having my own place again and feeling that relaxation that comes with it. And the fact that you can walk around naked whenever you want, well that helps a little too 😉
Conclusion, conclusion??? Stay in School, think positive “I can do this, I will do this”. Happy & blessed that I have a job. Having faith in finding that house that I will call Home one day. Finding out what it is I want to do when I GROW UP!
I found this quote and liked what it said: “The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.”~ Ben Stein
Now if Only I can find what it is I want?!?!
There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.
~ Christopher Morley (1890 – 1957)
Kristin Nicole
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