Summer Term
I am taking a pre algebra class this summer term. Now you have to understand how lost I am. I haven’t taken a math course in at least oh lets see…. 5 years or more =/
So Nervous…
So now I am sitting in class. Very nervous and the professor walks in. Tall & slim with brown thinning hair and glasses. He speaks well, with certainty of what he is teaching. I know now at this point he is going to be a good professor. A bit strict though. We are only graded on 4 tests. If you miss one, you can still pass with an A. He drops the lowest grade at the end of the semester. However, he states that if you miss 2 tests you automatically fail. Now I don’t plan on missing any tests, but you never know what might happen, that you can’t show up. The professor stands, tall and with a stern voice implies that if you’re sick, or if your aunt is in the hospital and you have to take her that these will not be excused excuses to miss a test. I can understand if you have a small cold, more then likely you can still make it in. However, if my mom was in the hospital and I couldn’t make it in, this should be an exception. There should be exceptions. This I did not like about the Professor. I can only hope nothing happens. I can’t afford to miss not one test. He also doesn’t waive grades. If you got a 69 (D) he won’t push it to that one point so that you can get a 70 (C). This is fine with me, I can only hope I do good. Again it’s been 5 years!
I came home that night and started my homework. There were about 3 questions I am still uncertain about. So this Tuesday I have to get to class early so that I can ask him about these 3 questions. I am very nervous, I hate doing bad and I stress easily. So I’m just going to have to really try and focus and do all my homework for practice.
Wish me luck!!!
Kristin Nicole
I guess he has to be strict with summer terms because most students miss class the most during those.
I’m sure you’ll do fine in the class. Good luck!
Dear Vanessa,
I’m going to try and not worry about it too much, just hoping the semester is a success =)