I found this question on Yahooanswers.com:
Scared to lose my job!?
I’m sick with a cold and sore throat and i think I’m going to lose my job because of it. normally, i would go to work regardless of a sore throat.. but i currently work in a call center and i don’t think customers would be happy trying to hear my raspy voice followed by coughs and gags. I’ve been sick since Monday.. i went in on Wednesday because i was scared to miss a lot of days of work, but i got permission to leave early that day (I only stayed for an hour.. i was no help at all cause i couldn’t even talk.) and now it’s Friday.. i was going to go in, but overslept ’cause of the medicines drowsy effect.. and i woke up with horrible coughing that’s causing my throat to be sore all over again.. and i have the sniffles like crazy. I’m considering going to the doctor, but i honestly don’t want to pay $100 so dollars to be told “oh, you have a cold.. take some over the counter stuff.” .. any suggestions?? Also, I’m temp-to-perm so i don’t really have any ‘sick days’ or ‘paid sick days’.. also going to the doctor’s right now.
First I like to say I found this post about a year ago, things in the economy have gotten worse. However, people still relate to this question, now more than ever.
Dear Damnitymusux’s,
It’s hard when we are sick and have to miss work. I think we all fear that we are going to get fired if we don’t show up. It’s good that you showed up and tried to work, they can at least see how sick you really are, and that you aren’t faking it. However, I know it’s not easy spending $100.00 on co-pay for the doctors, but if this a job you truly need and it’s a temp to permanent then don’t you think it’s probably worth spending $100.00 rather than getting fired. If you are also truly sick and have an infection, the doctor won’t tell you to get an over the counter medication, more then likely they will give you an antibiotic. You can also get a doctors note to show your work, that you truly can’t talk, since that is all you do at your job. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and get rest.
With the economy the way it is right now it’s very hard to keep a job let alone find a new one. Which is why so many of us are scared to even miss work while we are sick. I know how it feels. I am still recovering from my tonsillectomy and I had to miss work again today. I didn’t sleep at all last night from the pain, I am hoping it was the worst and now from here it will only get better. I had text my boss, since I can’t talk yet that I am so sorry that I have had to miss this much. I didn’t think the pain would be so bad for so long. She replied:
Kristin, Nothing to apologize for, you just need to take care of yourself! The pain will be a distant memory soon.
This made me feel a little more relaxed, but I know how you feel. Missing work takes a toll on your thoughts, you start to think negatively and you worry about losing your job. Think positive though, if you do a good job and they truly like you, they will keep you. Get that doctors note though, it will ensure your employer that you are truly sick and trying to get better.
Kristin Nicole
This is so timely. Thanks.
And, you like typing without caps too? 🙂
Dear Leslie,
Any time =)
BTW, It wasn’t me typing without caps, the question above was someone else typing, I left as it was when he asked the question. Heh =)
Look forward to hearing back from you.
Kristin Nicole