Hello Tuesday Morning….
Today I have decided to talk about something different, other than what bad stuff is happening in the world. I found this article on Yahoo.com. It’s about a 9 year old boy who writes a hit iPhone App. Yes you heard right! 9 YEARS OLD!!! He designed a game for the iphone that you can draw with your fingers, like the Etch-A-Sketch-style. It’s called Doodle Kids, and it had about 4,000 downloads in 2 weeks. I read that you can even shake your phone so that the drawing fades away, just like the Etch-A-Sketch. His name: Lim Ding Wen. He is from Singapore and knows up to six programming languages. Now imagine if at 9 he came up with this game just for his sister because she likes to draw, what will he accomplish by the time he’s 20?!?!?
It’s amazing to me how some children are so smart, talented, different. Good different. How many of you can say you can come up with a game like this for the iPhone? And how old are you? I just find it absolutely amazing, this kid is going to go places.
Amazing children sometimes grow up to be brilliant!
Kristin Nicole
If you want to read the link I found click Here.
Sometimes they go nowhere. lol jk
Hopefully this kid does do something great with his life. It’s pretty amazing to create something like that so young.