The Question:
No joke I need advice. My dad is 53 yrs old and I believe he is going through a mid life crisis. He is starting to scare the heck out of me because he is NOT acting like himself. It seems like one minute he is OK and the next he’s get extremely upset or angry over little things. He’s criticizing himself all the time and sometimes my mother for no reason. He thinks he looks too wrinkled and now he’s getting botox injections (even tho we can’t afford it). Like I’m worried about him but he thinks I am over reacting?!? WTF (What the F***) did I do? I understand he’s getting older .he has some health and financial problems in his life but I would like to try to find a way to help him. Anyone else have this problem?
I am 23 yrs old (turning 24 soon in August) but I feel like he treats me like I am an extremely naive, stupid and unsophisticated child. I live at home but I’m trying to help him pay for bills and living expensive with my part time job.
I am telling you he is driving me f***ing crazy. What should I do? (no jokes please )
My response:
Dear going crazy;
I know it’s hard because no one really knows what he’s going through, the only thing you can try to do is sit down with him when he’s in a good mood. Explain to him the way you feel about the way he’s been acting lately and go from there. If that doesn’t work, then just try to stay out of his way for right now, give him time to figure things out. You should also talk to your mom, maybe the two of you can sit down together with him and tell him that whatever he’s going through that the two of you are there to help. The only other thing I can tell you is move out. You said you had a part time job, is this because you are going to school? If you are continue doing what you are doing then, live at home and just try to do your own thing. Mid-life crisis is like a man going through menopause, the difference, women talk about it and men don’t so they decide to do all these crazy things that we just don’t understand. Try to communicate to him as delicately as you can so he doesn’t take it the wrong way, and if all else fails, just give him time and stay out of the way. Good luck.
kristin nicole
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Oh Dude, my dad is doing the same thing. And how funny I just turned 23 too and just finished my masters and moved back home. He has recently started making me feel like I’m worthless and he keeps saying how my future is so dark and how everyone else has moved on in life but I will never get into medical school. And he is acting the same way your dad is minus the botox injections. my dad never used to talk to me in general, he isnt a very expressive person. but these days he doesn’t even want me in front of his eyes. he gets angry just looking at me. So I just stay in my room when he is home and only go downstairs when my parents have gone to bed. Its tough but he’s still my dad and has done a lot for me so I guess I have to just suck it up and deal with it or hope that I will a job in this hopeless economy and be able to move out soon.
I know this is weird.. but I’m 23 going through the same thing as the dude above me.. I’m scared my dad might die, that’s how bad it is.. any help would be great.. 210-6676143
Sorry I never replied. I would need more information to try and give you my advice. You can email me at