RIP Michael Jackson
It is always sad to hear about a famous person passing away. It’s even sadder when the person passing means so much to so many people.
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was an Icon to many, and even though there were many rumors passing that he was a “pervert” or that he “molested children”. I just don’t think that it’s true. Sure he was strange, and maybe we didn’t understand him all that much, but that doesn’t mean the man molested children. Honestly if you were a parent of a boy/girl that was “supposedly” molested by any man, would you take money (no matter how much) or fight to put them away in jail??? I’m not a mother, but if I was, I wouldn’t take any amount of money, even if it’s millions of dollars, I would fight and I would tell that person to shove the money where the sun don’t shine. I would fight and make sure that they would go to jail. I wouldn’t take the money. So what does that say to you? Either this women is a horrible mother or she just wanted money?!?
They stated on the news they believe they had the private memorial last night with his family. Today the public memorial will be held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. They say 1.6 million people signed up for tickets but only about 8,750 people received tickets. This funeral will be one of the biggest in history, with elephants crossing the street to the arena. If you want to read more about this Click HERE
Sad moments….
It’s sad, and it’s ashame that MJ had to pass before he had time to come back. He was planning the tour in London and he sounded better then ever, most say. You can actually find video’s on Youtube.com. So today’s the day the world says good bye to an incredible performer, and as they all shed tears for a man no one really knew we close our eyes and pray he’s in peace.
Kristin Nicole
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